2D Radiography (x-ray), a Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) method, is applied in a multitude of manufacturing, repair industries, and in every type of inspection program. 2D X-ray is the most used NDT method outside of visual inspection.
Many of us are familiar with accuracy specifications pertaining to force measurement, usually a percentage of full scale or a percentage of reading. While this is broadly understood, the waters become a bit murkier in applications involving both force and distance measurements.
Manual means of performing NDT and human evaluation of the results is trending more and more to automated, digitized and artificial intelligence interpretation of the results whenever economically possible.
Manual or human manipulated NDT is still the primary means of performing Nondestructive Testing (NDT) in unique or one-off applications. Mechanical aids and/or computer assisted manipulation and scanning devices can reduce data gathering time on the site of the item being inspected.
Following the automation of manufacturing processes in industry, the fourth industrial revolution is addressing digital connectivity and communication between manufacturing, but also quality assurance systems, i.e., NDT or NDE systems.
There are multiple ways to speed up a TFM inspection. But there’s one novel and unique method that speeds up data collection while maintaining the sensitivity and meeting the amplitude fidelity requirements for TFM code compliance.
The information presented herein is intended to be of a general nature and so can be applied to most employer-based certification programs. It is intended for those who may not have a great deal of familiarity with the nuances of NDT certification records or programs.
Advanced nondestructive inspection methods like ECA are not only used to validate the integrity of aging equipment, but also play an important role in the development of maintenance procedures for new components and assets.
Quality management systems have been around for many years now, but you might ask yourself, why set out to comply with a written standard, and why be certified?
Leak testing helps manufacturers boost quality without unnecessary costs. It enables them to improve their production process, ensuring efficient assembly and minimizes scrap, delays, and cycle times.