Those familiar with the animated comedy The Simpsons may recall that Homer has a once long-lost brother named Herb. While making a valiant effort to pull himself from the gutter, Herb invents a device that will translate a baby’s cries into intelligible language that will tell parents exactly what the baby wants or needs.
Generation Z, a demographic cohort comprised of people born from the mid 1990s to the early 2000s, is the first generation to have no memory of life before cell phones, laptops and widespread use of the Internet.
More than ever before, plastics are being used to manufacture consumer and commercial goods across the world. From medical devices to automotive fasteners, plastics have made their way into nearly every industry.
Whether it’s called a compression tester, tensile tester, dual-column tester or twin-column tester, material testing machines go by many names. So, when users need to find the best machine to test their products, the market can appear to be a difficult one to navigate.
Don’t bite off more than you can chew, and really understand the methodology before attempting a large Six Sigma project. Those are the first words of advice for a Six Sigma novice from Six Sigma Master Black Belt John Vandenbemden.
Before selecting an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer, consider what you want to achieve. For example, if you are looking to confirm alloy grades for incoming goods QC, you will want to know what the important element in those grades should be.